API Reference

This page serves as a complete reference to all public classes and exceptions. This is probably only useful after you have read Quickstart.


class petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key, api_secret, endpoint='http://api.petfinder.com/')

Simple client for the Petfinder API. You’ll want to pull your API details from http://www.petfinder.com/developers/api-key and instantiate this class with said credentials.

Refer to http://www.petfinder.com/developers/api-docs for the required kwargs for each method. It is safe to ignore the key argument, as this client handles setting that for you.



breed.list wrapper. Returns a list of breed name strings.

Return type:list
Returns:A list of breed names.



pet.get wrapper. Returns a record dict for the requested pet.

Return type:dict
Returns:The pet’s record dict.



pet.getRandom wrapper. Returns a record dict or Petfinder ID for a random pet.

Return type:dict or str
Returns:A dict of pet data if output is 'basic' or 'full', and a string if output is 'id'.



pet.find wrapper. Returns a generator of pet record dicts matching your search criteria.

Return type:generator
Returns:A generator of pet record dicts.
Raises:petfinder.exceptions.LimitExceeded once you have reached the maximum number of records your credentials allow you to receive.



shelter.find wrapper. Returns a generator of shelter record dicts matching your search criteria.

Return type:generator
Returns:A generator of shelter record dicts.
Raises:petfinder.exceptions.LimitExceeded once you have reached the maximum number of records your credentials allow you to receive.



shelter.get wrapper. Given a shelter ID, retrieve its details in dict form.

Return type:dict
Returns:The shelter’s details.



shelter.getPets wrapper. Given a shelter ID, retrieve either a list of pet IDs (if output is 'id'), or a generator of pet record dicts (if output is 'full' or 'basic').

Return type:generator
Returns:Either a generator of pet ID strings or pet record dicts, depending on the value of the output keyword.
Raises:petfinder.exceptions.LimitExceeded once you have reached the maximum number of records your credentials allow you to receive.



shelter.listByBreed wrapper. Given a breed and an animal type, list the shelter IDs with pets of said breed.

Return type:generator
Returns:A generator of shelter IDs that have breed matches.


Petfinder API exceptions.

exception petfinder.exceptions.AuthenticationFailure

Raised when an authentication failure occurs.

exception petfinder.exceptions.GenericInternalError

Your guess is as good as mine.

exception petfinder.exceptions.InvalidGeographicalLocationError

Raised when an invalid geographical location is specified.

exception petfinder.exceptions.InvalidRequestError

Raised when an invalid or mal-formed request is sent.

exception petfinder.exceptions.LimitExceeded

Raised when usage limits are exceeded.

exception petfinder.exceptions.PetfinderAPIError

Base class for all Petfinder API exceptions. Mostly here to allow end users to catch all Petfinder exceptions.

exception petfinder.exceptions.RecordDoesNotExistError

Raised when querying for a record that does not exist.

exception petfinder.exceptions.RequestIsUnauthorizedError

Raised when attempting to call a method that the user is unauthorized for.

exception petfinder.exceptions.UnrecognizedError

This is raised if the API returns a status code that we don’t have a matching exception for. This is more for future-proofing, in case they add extra status codes.